Répertoire du personnel

Roxane Pouliot

Professeure titulaire

Faculté de pharmacie
Université Laval
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry, local 2483
1050, avenue de la Médecine
Québec (Québec)  G1V 0A6

Téléphone: 418 656-2131 poste 407042
Télécopieur: 418 656-2305

1401, 18e Rue
Local : R207, CMDGT / LOEX
Québec, Québec
Canada G1J 1Z4


Téléphone: 418 990-8255 poste 61706


Membres de l'équipe

Étudiantes à la maîtrise

  • Florence Turgeon

Étudiantes au doctorat

  • Sophie Morin
  • Andréa Tremblay
  • Yasmine Ruel

Stagiaire de recherche

  • Laurence Turpin-Langlois
  • William David Zakzuk Vivas
  • Daniela Garro Castaneda
  • Marianne Martel
  • Angélina Larouche


Baccalauréat en chimie (Université Laval)

Maîtrise en chimie organique (Université Laval)

Doctorat en pharmacie avec honneurs (Université Laval / Université Paris Xl)

Études postdoctorales en biophysique (Université Laval / DiagnoCure inc.)

Études postdoctorales en génie biomédical (Division of Health Sciences and Technology Harvard - MIT)



Sujets de recherche

Le psoriasis est une maladie cutanée grave affectant 2 à 3% de la population mondiale. Encore aujourd'hui, cette pathologie est mal comprise. Les traitements actuels permettent de contrôler la maladie sans toutefois la guérir. L'équipe dynamique et multidisciplinaire de la Dre Pouliot travaille sur le développement d’un modèle in vitro de substituts cutanés psoriasiques pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de la pathologie et ainsi faciliter le développement de nouveaux traitements.

Objectifs de recherche

  • Développer et caractériser un nouveau modèle de substituts psoriasiques mis au point par génie tissulaire
  • Procéder à la caractérisation physico-chimique des substituts cutanés pathologiques par spectroscopies infrarouge et Raman
  • Valider le modèle de substituts cutanés pathologiques en comparant la pénétration cutanée de molécules lipophiles, hydrophiles et amphiphiles
  • Développer un modèle de substituts psoriasiques immunocompétents afin d’étudier le rôle des lymphocytes dans l’entretien du psoriasis
  • Comprendre le rôle de la vascularisation dans le psoriasis grâce à l’ajout de cellules endothéliales dans le modèle
  • Étudier les propriétés antioxydantes, toxicologiques et antiprolifératives d’extraits polyphénoliques provenant d’écorces d’essences canadiennes sur des kératinocytes normaux et psoriasiques

Techniques utilisées

Parmi les principales techniques utilisées par le groupe de la Dre Roxane Pouliot, on retrouve: la production de substituts cutanés par génie tissulaire, l’extraction de cellules saines et pathologiques, l’extraction lipidique, l’histologie, l’immunofluorescence, la microscopie, l’immunobuvardage, la technique ELISA, l’absorption percutanée et les spectroscopies infrarouge et Raman.

Sources de financement

  • Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
  • Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
  • Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ)
  • Fonds d'enseignement et de recherche de la Faculté de pharmacie de l'Université Laval (FER)


Toutes les publications: PubMed

Publications récentes

Grenier, A., Morissette, M.C., Rochette, P.J. et Pouliot, R. (2022) Toxic Interaction Between Solar Radiation and Cigarette Smoke on Primary Human Keratinocytes. Photochemistry and Photobiology, doi: 10.1111/php.13768.

Rioux, G., Turgeon, F., Le-Bel, G., Grenier, C., Guérin, S.L., Pouliot, R. (2022) Gene Profiling of a 3D Psoriatic Skin Model Enriched in T Cells: Downregulation of PTPRM Promotes Keratinocyte Proliferation through Excessive ERK1/2 Signaling. Cells., 11, 2904, 1-21.

Simard, M., Morin, S., Ridha, Z., Pouliot, R. (2022) Current knowledge of the implication of lipid mediators in psoriasis. Frontiers in Immunology, 1, 1, 1-21.

Bouchard, C., Grenier, A., Cardinal, S., Bélanger, S., Voyer, N., Pouliot, R. (2022) Antipsoriatic Potential of Quebecol and Its Derivatives. Pharmaceutics, 14, 1129, 1-15.

Simard, M., Grenier, A., Rioux, G., Tremblay, A., Blais, I., Flamand, N., Pouliot, R. (2022) Remodeling of the Dermal Extracellular Matrix in a Tissue-Engineered Psoriatic Skin Model by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Biomedicines, 10, 1078, 1-16

Morin, S., Simard, M., Rioux, G., Julien, P. et Pouliot, R. (2022) Alpha-linolenic acid modulates T cell incorporation in a 3D tissue-engineered psoriatic skin model. Cells, 11, 1513, 1-19.

Simard, M., Tremblay, A., Martin, C., Julien, P., Fradette, J., Flamand, N. et Pouliot, R. (2022). The lipid metabolism of the skin: a-linolenic acid and linoleic acid modulate the lipidome and the skin barrier of a tissue-engineered skin model. Acta Biomaterialia, 140,261-274.

Tremblay, A., Simard, M., Morin, S. et Pouliot, R. (2021). Effects of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on skin barrier function in a tissue-engineered skin model. International Journal of Molecular Science, 22 (23).

Rioux, G., Simard, M., Morin, S., Lorthois, I., Guérin, S.L. et Pouliot, R. (2021) Optimization of T cell isolation and activation methods for their incorporation into a 3D psoriatic skin model: focus on crosstalk between T cells and psoriatic keratinocytes. Acta Biomaterialia, 136,210-222.

Archambault, A-S., Tinto, T., Dumais, E., Rakotoarivelo, V., Kostrzewa, M., Plante, P-L., Martin, C., Simard, M., Silvestri, C., Pouliot, R., Laviolette, M., Boulet, L-P., Vitale, R.M., Ligresti, A., Di Marzo, V. et Flamand, N. (2021) Biosynthesis of the novel endogenous 15-lipoxygenase metab-olites N-13-hydroxy-octodecadienoyl-ethanolamine and 13-hydroxy-octodecadienoyl-glycerol by human neutrophils and eosinophils. Cells, 10, 2322. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10092322.

Grenier, A., Jean, L., Bélanger, A., Legault, J., Pichette, A., et Pouliot, R. (2021) Anti-aging efficacy of a Kalmia angustifolia extract and identification of two novel compounds. Antioxydants, 10, 1373. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox10091373.

Morin, S., Simard, M., Rioux, Julien, P. et Pouliot, R. (2021) Biological action of docosahexaenoic acid in a 3D tissue-engineered psoriatic skin model: focus on the PPAR signaling pathway. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1866, 159032.

Simard M, Rioux G, Morin S, Martin C, Guerin SL, Flamand N, Julien P, Fradette J, Pouliot R. (2021) Investigation of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biological Activity in a Tissue-Engineered Skin Model Involving Psoriatic Cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, S0022-202X(21)01126-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2021.02.755.

Tinto, F., Archambault, A-S., Dumais, E., Rakotoarivelo, V., Kostrzewa, M., Martin, C., Plante, P-L., Desjardins, Y., Simard, M., Pouliot, R., De Petrocellis, L., Ligresti, A., Di Marzo, V., Flamand, N, (2021) Synthesis and molecular targets of N-13-hydroxy-octadienoyl-ethanolamine, a novel endogenous bioactive 15-lipoxygenase-derived metabolite of N-linoleoyl-ethanolamine found in the skin and saliva. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1866, 8, 158954, ISSN: 1388-1981.

Rioux G, Ridha Z, Simard M, Turgeon F, Guerin SL, Pouliot R. (2020) Transcriptome Profiling Analyses in Psoriasis: A Dynamic Contribution of Keratinocytes to the Pathogenesis. Genes, 11, 1155; doi:10.3390/genes11101155.

Simard M, Morin S, Rioux G, Seguin R, Loing E, Pouliot R. (2020) A Tissue-Engineered Human Psoriatic Skin Model to Investigate the Implication of cAMP in Psoriasis: Differential Impacts of Cholera Toxin and Isoproterenol on cAMP Levels of the Epidermis. Int J Mol Sci, 21 (15).

Jia, N., Rosella, E., Juere, E., Pouliot, R., Kleitz, F. et Greener, J. (2020) A microfluidic approach to micromembrane synthesis for complex release profiles of nanocarriers. Lab Chip. 20, 6, 1066-1071.

Bélanger, A., Grenier, A., Simard, F., Gendreau, I., Pichette, A., Legault, J. et Pouliot, R. (2020) Dihydrochalcone Derivatives from Populus balsamifera L. Buds for the Treatment of Psoriasis. Int J Mol Sci. 21, 256; doi:10.3390/ijms21010256.

Zhang, H., Carnevale, G., Polese, B., Simard, M., Thurairajah, B., Khan, N., Gentile, M.E., Fontes, G., Vinh, D.C., Pouliot, R., King, I.L. (2019) CD109 Restrains Activation of Cutaneous IL-17-Producing T Cells by Commensal Microbiota. Cell Rep. 8, 29(2):391-405.e5; doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.003.

Simard, M., Julien, P., Fradette, J., Pouliot, R. (2019) Modulation of the Lipid Profile of Reconstructed Skin Substitutes after Essential Fatty Acid Supplementation Affects Testosterone Permeability. Cells. 8, 1142; doi:10.3390/cells8101142.

Lorthois, I., Simard, M., Morin, S. et Pouliot, R. (2019) Infiltration of T cells into a three-dimensional psoriatic skin model mimics pathological key features. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.20, 1670; doi:10.3390/ijms20071670 .                  

Morin, A., Simard, M., Rioux, G., Grenier, A., Morin, S. et Pouliot, R. (2019) Application of an In Vitro Psoriatic Skin Model to Study Cutaneous Metabolization of Tazarotene Processes, 7, 871; doi:10.3390/pr7120871.

Rioux, G., Pouliot-Béubé, C., Simard, M., Benhassine, M., Soucy, J., Guérin, S.L. et Pouliot, R. (2018) The tissue-engineered human psoriatic skin substitute: a valuable in vitro model to identify genes with altered expression in lesional psoriasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19, 2923; doi:10.3390/ijms19102923.

Lorthois, I. et Pouliot, R. (2017) Contribution of in vivo and organotypic 3D models to understanding the role of macrophages and neutrophils in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Mediators of Inflammation. 2017: 1-13.

Angers, L., Dubois-Declercq, S., Masson, L-C., Roy, B., Jean, J., Morin, A. et Pouliot, R.Journal of Dermatology and Cosmetology, 1, 2, 000007. DOI: 10.15406/jdc.2017.01.00007. (2017) Effects of freezing on functionality and physicochemical properties of a 3D-human skin model.

Duque-Fernandez, A., Gauthier, L., Simard, M., Jean, J., Gendreau, I., Morin, A., Soucy, J., Auger, M. et Pouliot R. (2016) A 3D-psoriatic skin model for dermatological testing: the impact of culture conditions. Biochemistry and Biophysica Reports, 8, 268-276.

Pouliot-Bérubé, C., Zaniolo, K. Soucy, J., Guérin, Sylvain. L. et Pouliot, R. (2016) Tissue- engineered human psoriatic skin as an in vitro model to study the impact of cytokines. Regenerative Medecine, 11, 6, 545-557. 

Bélanger, A., Padilha de Oliveira, C. Maheux, M. et Pouliot, R. (2016) Plaque psoriasis : Understanding risk factors of this inflammatory skin pathology. Journal of Cosmetics Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 6, 2, 67-80.

Chabaud, S., Simard, M. Gendreau, I., Pouliot, R. et Bolduc, S. (2016) Origin of serum affects quality of engineered tissues produced by the self-assembly approach. Scientifica, Article ID 3825645, 1-10.

Paré, B., Deschênes, L.T., Pouliot, R., Dupré, N. et Gros-Louis, F. (2016) An optimized approach to recover secreted proteins from fibroblast conditioned-media for secretomic analysis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10, 70.

Leroy, M., Lefevre, T., Pouliot, R., Auger, M., Laroche, G. (2015) Using infrared and Raman microspectroscopies to compare ex vivo involved psoriatic skin with normal human skin. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20, 6, 067004.

Jean, J., Leroy, M., Duque-Fernandez, A., Bernard, G., Soucy, J. et Pouliot, R. (2015) Characterization of a psoriatic skin model produced with involved or uninvolved cells. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medecine, 9, 7, 789-798.

Ayata, R.E., Chabaud, S., Auger, M. et Pouliot, R. (2015) Behaviour of endothelial cells in a tridimensional in vitro environment. BioMed Research International, 630461.

Leroy, M., Labbé, J.F., Ouellet, M., Jean, J., Lefèvre, T., Laroche, G., Auger, M. et Pouliot, R. (2014) A comparative study between human skin substitutes and normal human skin using Raman microspectroscopy. Acta Biomaterialia, 10, 6, 2703-2711.

Garcia-Pérez, M.E., Allayes, I. Rusu, D., Pouliot, R. Stevanovic, T. et Poubelle, P-E. (2014) Picea mariana polyphenolic extract inhibits phlogogenic mediators produced by TNF-?-activated psoriatic keratinocytes: Impact of NF-?B pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 151, 1, 265-278.

Ayata, R.E., Bouhout, S., Auger, M. et Pouliot, R. (2014) Study of in vitro capillary-like structures in psoriatic skin substitutes. BioResearch Open Access, 3, 5, 197-205.

Leroy, M., Lafleur, M., Auger, M., Laroche, G. et Pouliot, R. (2013) Characterization of the structure of human skin substitutes by infrared microspectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405, 27, 8709-8718.

Lavoie, A., Fugère, C., Beauparlant, A., Goyer, B., Larouche, D., Paquet, C., Desgagné, M., Sauvé, S., Robitaille, H., Dunnwald, M. Kim, D. H., Pouliot, R., Fradette, J. et Germain, L. (2013) Human epithelial stem cells persist within tissue-engineered skin produced by the self-assembly approach. Tissue Engineering Part A, 19, 7-8, 1023-1038.

Guérard, S., Allaeys, I., Martin, G., Pouliot, R. et Poubelle, P. (2013) Psoriatic keratinocytes prime neutrophils for an overproduction of superoxide anions. Archives in Dermatological Research, 305, 10, 879-889.

Dubois-Declerc, S. et Pouliot, R. (2013) Promising new treatments for psoriasis. Scientific World Journal, 980419, 1-9.

Martin, G., Guérard, S., Fortin, M.M., Rusu, D., Soucy, J., Poubelle, P.E. et Pouliot, R. (2012) Pathological crosstalk in vitro between T lymphocytes and lesional keratinocytes in psoriasis: necessity of direct cell-to-cell contact. Laboratory Investigation, 92, 7, 1058-1070.

Garcia-Pérez, M.E., Royer, M., Herbette, G., Desjardins, Y., Pouliot, R. et Stevanovic, T. (2012) Picea mariana bark: a new source of trans-resveratrol and other bioactive polyphenols. Food Chemistry, 135, 3, 1173-1182.

Garcia-Pérez, M.E., Jean, J. et Pouliot, R. (2012) Antipsoriatic Drug Development: Challenges and New Emerging Therapies. Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery, 6, 1, 3-21.

Guérard, S. et Pouliot, R. (2012) The role of angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of psoriasis: mechanisms and clinical implications. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research, S:4, 002.

Jean, J., Soucy, J. et Pouliot, R. (2011) Effects of retinoic acid on keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation in a psoriatic skin model. Tissue Engineering Part A, 17, 13-14, 1859-1868.

Jean, J., Garcia-Pérez, M-E. et Pouliot, R. (2011) Bioengineered Skin: the Self-assembly Approach. Journal of Tissue Science and Engineering, S:5.

Jean, J., Bernard, G., Duque-Fernandez, A., Soucy, J., Auger, F.A. et Pouliot, R. (2011) Effects of serum-free culture at the air-liquid interface in a human tissue-engineered skin substitute. Tissue Engineering Part A, 17, 7-8, 877-888.

Garcia-Pérez, M.E., Royer, M., Duque-Fernandez, A., Diouf, P., Stevanovic, T. et Pouliot R. (2010) Antioxidant, toxicological and antiproliferative properties of Canadian polyphenolic extracts on normal and psoriatic keratinocytes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 132, 1, 251-258.


Distinctions et Bourses


Prix d’excellence en enseignement catégorie encadrement aux cycles supérieurs


  • Chercheur-boursier senior des Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec
  • Chercheur-boursier junior 2 des Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec
  • Chercheur-boursier junior de GlaxoSmithKline